Bavaria & Beyond 2019
Day 8: It's neither Red Nurburg-undy
We had big plans to get up and out by 9. Lol. With a baby and 2 jetlagged Moozes, not entirely sure why we decided on this. When the baby woke at 6:30, I texted the other room to let them know this is a dumb plan and to sleep in if they need to, and as I was texting this all groggy myself, the baby did me a wonderful favour and fell asleep in my arms. We all slept in until 8:30, slowly got ready, ate pastries and drank coffee, got our bearings, and set off for our host's...
Day 7: Are there any more beers in the fridge? Dinant I tell you there are Namur.

So 2.5 Moose picked up an additional 2 Moozes at the airport this morning. While at the airport, Justin went off to switch our little hybrid for a van to hold the 4.5 of us and our luggage. I'm standing in the parking lot waiting and guarding our stuff when in comes this giant bus. When I say giant bus, I meant GIANT. It's over a foot above all other cars in the parking lots, including all SUVs and other vans, and is the length of 2 cars. I'm not sure at which point Justin received the keys to this...
Day 6: Let’s so the time ‘werp agaaaaaaaain

Day 6 started on a bit of a finicky note and continued throughout the day as little Munchkin was teething so bad and was beyond miserable. Fever, diarrhea, cheeks so red it beat my wine flush, and while Tooth #5 is a bump in the gum and just barely visible, Tooth #4 is practically emerging. You can even see the line in the bump :( That said, the entire lower gum looks like a slalom field as of this afternoon, so looks like a few others also want to make an appearance, but I think we have a bit of...
Day 5: I c'Antwerp under these conditions!

We knew it was too good to be true to stick to a 9:30-9:30 schedule with munchkin. Unfortunately a lack of a door in our one bedroom apartment in old town Antwerp doesn't keep the light out, so by 8 the famjam was all awake this morning. We looked up a few things worth seeing in Antwerp and one of the "non tourist"y suggestions was this cafe all the locals hang out in and is really worth a visit. It was a bit of a walk but was near the exotic food market that occurs every saturday, score!We started walking and...
Day 4: Those who do not learn history are doomed to r-Ypres-t it

Baby was super accommodating to our schedule again and didn’t wake until after 9:30! We didn’t check out until 11:30 but it was perfect timing for munchkin to nap in the car. Our original plan was to spend the day in Ghent en route to Antwerp, but we skipped Ypres yesterday and that wasn’t something we were willing to do again. We drove 30-40 min the opposite direction but was it ever worth it. For starters, Ypres is STUNNING. Out of all the ones we’ve seen so far, I’m not sure which one takes the cake between that and Ghent....