From Iberia with Love 2019
Day 28: Ameliabidos

Obidos is pronounced Oh-bee-doe-sh, so it's a bit hard to combine with Amelia, but close enough. Deal with it. I can't believe how pleasantly surprised I can still be with every town and not get bored of them. It's incredible how different they all are and they're already 30-45 min apart! Obidos is a little castle with the entire town within the walls, which you could even climb and walk along in some parts. My jelly legs couldn't handle much of it, especially with holding the baby as there was no support, so I aborted that plan pretty quickly being...
Day 27: Tomameliar

We had a nice relaxing day by the beach to recoup, it was time for a daytrip to go check out a nearby town. Tomar was about an hour's drive, but was it ever worth it! It's the original place where the Knight's Templar was founded. It's got quite the religious connotation, of course, but could we have been any more lucky? We arrive in the old town square to grab some coffee and pastries to see all these fancy cars starting to arrive and pull up into the square right onto the curb. Turns out it was some sort...
Day 25-26: Nazaramelia

Instructions for check in to Nazare were "look for the tallest building, there's only one". Ours had 12 stories (we were on the 11th) while there were no other buildings with more than 5 floors, so we had quite the view to wake up to! Nazare is considered THE traditional fishermen's village in the country, and many of the elderly still work the beaches and even wear their traditional garments - some for tourists' sake, others because they really do enjoy it. For one euro only, this dry fish could be yours! No, thank you. We were super tempted for...
Day 24: Ameliaveiro

Out of all the towns we visited in Portugal, I think Aveiro was one of my favourites. It was just the right distance from Porto for baby to nap and be in good spirits when we got there. I was told it's essentially The Portuguese version of Venice. I've never been to Venice, but I loved absolutely everything about Aveiro, the feel of the town, the size, the look, the people, and the idea that everything is connected through 2 canals. These are still active salt mines and the salt is unbelievably delicious. I could've easily stayed here longer than...
Day 23: Portamelia continues

At this point in our trip, I was just starting to get my bearings back food wise, baby wakings every half hour throughout the night, and the unexpected heat all month was really catching up with us. There were no complaints, and if there is any place to get this exhausted and to want to just sit back and chill, this was it. We made our way back to yet the same bar, and were quickly becoming regulars and getting heftier and heftier glasses of wine/port for next to nothing. We were getting more relaxed, happily (but responsibly) buzzed, and baby...