Day 28: Ameliabidos

Obidos is pronounced Oh-bee-doe-sh, so it's a bit hard to combine with Amelia, but close enough. Deal with it.

I can't believe how pleasantly surprised I can still be with every town and not get bored of them. It's incredible how different they all are and they're already 30-45 min apart! Obidos is a little castle with the entire town within the walls, which you could even climb and walk along in some parts. My jelly legs couldn't handle much of it, especially with holding the baby as there was no support, so I aborted that plan pretty quickly being the responsible parent that I am. 

obidosgoing up the stairs

justin is a tool

Justin was driving me crazy so spent much of my time shouting at him to get down from down below.

down below

It was actually a pretty authentic little town and clearly full of locals going on about their daily lives with the occasional knick knack stores down the main road.

The one big tourist thing they had here was Ginja - a cherry based liquor that they sold in shots out of a chocolate cup. Yeah, that was pretty friggin delicious.

alleyslocal homecastle

more alleysWe had to take a much needed break to cool off. We grabbed a wine/beer, hung out with Chubz who was all sorts of entertainment again, before we headed back home to pack and get ready for our departure in the early AM.

justin and chubz

me and babes

So long Nazare. So long Portugal. You've been a blast.

farewell nazare



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