Day 22: Portamelia Tasting

Day 2 in Porto was reserved for making our way of to the other side of the river where all the port distilleries were located for a port tasting. We decided to go straight to the source and check out the oldest port company, Taylor's, instead of doing a tasting tour of any kind. Probably not all that surprising to most, however for some reason it blew my mind, most of the port companies in portugal were actually founded/owned by the English hence all the standard names such as Taylor's, Sandman, Offley, Graham, etc. 

It was a bit of a poke to get to the other side from our Airbnb, but we got to see a bit more of the charm this city has to offer from a higher perspective, since we decided to walk across the top of the bridge rather than below. There are some amazing shots Justin grabbed that are HDR, but I don't feel like merging them all at the moment, so these will do for now.

Portoporto bridge

Porto bridge

Once we were at Taylor's, the ultimate question came up: why did the chicken cross the road.

taylor's rooster

The tour itself was pretty neat though and we learned a fair bit about port vs wine, but we did have to carry the baby after the keg stand.

baby tasting

Taylor's kegs

port tasting

After the tour and the tasting, we took the maze alleyways back to the riverside for a food break.


porto alleyways

We hung out at the restaurant for most of the evening and braced ourselves for the long haul hike back home. Of course, what should've been a 45 minute walk, maybe an hour, became almost 2 since we had to stop every few minutes for Justin's creative side kicking in, as he had the NEED to do long exposures from every angle. The photos ended up amazing (no editing, just playing around with 2-4 minute exposures).


boatporto rivernighttime porto

We did make it home eventually though, and practically passed out before even making it to bed. 

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