Sending Justin off on his first day of the conference, I stayed in bed for a little while. An hour or so in, I receive a text from him. His first day, first hour, and some shmuck behind him spilled hot coffee all down his back and didn't really acknowledge Justin with much of an apology. Grumbling, Justin went off to get cleaned up, found a new shirt (swag!), and on his way back to the keynote, got locked out. Eventually finding his way in, he found his seat was taken so you can imagine the messages I was getting. The rest of the day sounded like it went a lot smoother though. He found other Shopifolk and made some friends.
Meanwhile, I was working from bed for a little while on my book launch, before getting up, getting ready, and going out for a hike. I managed to miss all the sun of the day and step out as it was pouring, but that didn't phase me, I'm in California, baby! I wandered the streets of San Francisco up to the coast and went to check out Fort Mason, an old military settlement. I got a major craving for hot chocolate and saw the HUGE Ghiardelli sign. To my mother-in-law's dismay, I set my path towards it. After getting lost and doing a half hour detour, I found myself at the chocolate store chatting with a dude from Montreal and got myself a milkshake. I continued on my walk with said milkshake still craving hot chocolate and wondering how this happened. I really can't do 2 things at the same time.
I had about 2 hours left before Justin was done at the conference and 1 hour until dark. My two options were Wood Line or the Walt Disney museum. I changed my mind 3 times during my walk for various reasons that made sense in my head causing about a 45 minute zig zag-y detour and losing precious time. I finalized my plan and walked over to the museum figuring I'll do wood line the next day when it's beautiful out and not already dark. I definitely did not have enough time in the museum, the googles lied when it said 1.5 hours, I could've spent at least double that reading everything and looking through his sketches and early versions of each cartoon; what a mesmerizing person.
They closed at 6 and kicked everyone out, I hopped in an uber with some other tourists who happened to be going close to where Justin's after-conference drinks were happening. I charmed my way in despite not having a badge and we spent the evening chatting away, eating, and drinking until midnight. Whoops.
All in all, a good day although we never left the conference dinner as planned. We'll just have to do japantown tonight! SO excited!
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?