Californication 2017 — YOLO
Day 12: With a little help with my friends
2 Moose on the Loose California Car Making friends travel YOLO

Everything we’ve been doing so far but with friends makes it infinitely better. We woke up and walked a km down the street to find breakfast. We didn’t find the place we were looking for but the the Mexican diner we stopped at was as authentic as it got! As early as it was, I had a shrimp burrito and I can see why this was the meal that made the diner “famous”. Everyone else also loved their meals and has really good omelettes and tacos. Also the service was great and all the coffee was Mexican style with cinnamon.......
Day 11: imagination! A dream come true
2 Moose on the Loose California Car Disneyland In-N-Out Burger travel YOLO

I woke up way too early, wat too exciteisiid. I couldn’t get Justin up for a while and he somehow got it i hiis head that we’re in no rush to get to Disneyland. By the time i got out of the hotel all cleaned up, it was almost 10, and he wanted to walk 1km to a breakfast place the girls recommended last night. It was called “Eggslut” and it was a little stand in the market. Obvious ly, justin and I love standing in lines and we found ourselves in one that went all the way around the...
Day 10: what the hell am I doing drinking in L.A
2 Moose on the Loose California Car Making friends travel YOLO

Waking up in Santa Barbara, what a feeling! We grabbed some breakfast, packed the car, and headed downtown to the one Main Street. I always thought SB was bigger but it comes down to everything being on the one street (State Street). We climbed the courthouse tower to take in the view of the entire city and we checked out the murals inside - not your standard looking courthouse and everything was so old and full of history. Super cool! We drove out of the the downtown area and made our way to Montecito, a suburb town 10 min away...
Day 9: I swear the world better prepare for when I'm a billionaire
2 Moose on the Loose California Car In-N-Out Burger Making friends travel YOLO

So we didn’t wake up and be out of the motel and AT the Hearst Castle by 8 as planned. In act, we weren’t out of the motel by 9. We grabbed some pastries and coffee from the check-in desk and pulled in to the castle by closer to 10. We were a little confused as we pulled in because despite them signs, there was no castle. Then we saw it. All the way up in the mountains, a tiny speck of it. What? This was not going to be like other places where you just walk in and look...
Day 8: Twist and shout, you know you twist so fine
2 Moose on the Loose California Car clam chowder Laundry travel YOLO

Despite an early wake up, we weren’t out of the room until 9:30. We grabbed the provided continental breakfast and hit the road. We were hoping to get to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, apparently one of the best in the US, but it didn’t open until 10 and it was a beautiful day out - Big Sur is the highlight of the pacific highway, so we wanted as much daylight as possible. We drove by Point Lobos - a highly recommended State Park with a few cove lookouts but the line up to get in was out the gate AND...