Californication 2017 — In-N-Out Burger
Day 11: imagination! A dream come true
2 Moose on the Loose California Car Disneyland In-N-Out Burger travel YOLO

I woke up way too early, wat too exciteisiid. I couldn’t get Justin up for a while and he somehow got it i hiis head that we’re in no rush to get to Disneyland. By the time i got out of the hotel all cleaned up, it was almost 10, and he wanted to walk 1km to a breakfast place the girls recommended last night. It was called “Eggslut” and it was a little stand in the market. Obvious ly, justin and I love standing in lines and we found ourselves in one that went all the way around the...
Day 9: I swear the world better prepare for when I'm a billionaire
2 Moose on the Loose California Car In-N-Out Burger Making friends travel YOLO

So we didn’t wake up and be out of the motel and AT the Hearst Castle by 8 as planned. In act, we weren’t out of the motel by 9. We grabbed some pastries and coffee from the check-in desk and pulled in to the castle by closer to 10. We were a little confused as we pulled in because despite them signs, there was no castle. Then we saw it. All the way up in the mountains, a tiny speck of it. What? This was not going to be like other places where you just walk in and look...