Mongol Rally 2017 — Mongol Rally

No Ragrets, not one letter

2 Moose on the Loose Car Mongol Rally steed travel Travel prep

No Ragrets, not one letter

Well, ladies and gentlemen, after a few weeks and many arguments, we've finally found a name for our companion that we can BOTH agree on!We've had some amazing suggestions; thank you to the many submissions! We looked at everything from "The Canadian Job" to "Dale", from "the Goose" to "the Caboose", from "Stallion" to "Crimson Chariot", from "Astrid" to "Car McCarface" (although not so much that last one, sorry Brad). "Gone in 60 seconds", "The Slow and Peaceful", "Speed-Ish", and... "Barry". There were many others, and while I was really trying to push "2 Moose in the Goose on the Loose",...

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The Wheel Deal

2 Moose on the Loose Car Mongol Rally travel Travel prep

The Wheel Deal

Dear Diary; Jackpot. Cue the dramatic music 1.2 litres of raw, uninhibited muscle cranking out 59 thundering horsepower... 0-60mph in a whopping 12 seconds... Red... Eat your heart out, Vin Diesel. We are pleased to introduce our Crimson Chariot, a 2002 Ford Fiesta hatchback. We just acquired this sexy beast with some amazing help from some local friends for the low low price of £300. So it doesn't have AC, so what? It has a removable sunroof, so it's practically a convertible. Sure it's rusting on the fender, but that just adds some decorative platescab for texture.  That dent? That right there is a battle scar.. you should see the other guy!  This...

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Shots! Shots! Shots!

2 Moose on the Loose Mongol Rally travel Travel prep Vaccines

Unfortunately I'm not referring to the obnoxious song that drives me mental everytime I hear it, and I'm not referring to Jaegerbombs, Lemondrops, Buttery Nipples, Jello shots, Kamikaze, Liquid Cocaines, Polar Bears, or straight up tequila. Although, I wish I was. I am, however, referring to the major cocktails we've been receiving for the last month. I figured you may be wondering what it takes to get this sort of trip going and people seem interested so it's time for a blog post!  A month ago we went in and nearly had a heart attack when we were told all the...

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If Gooses are Geese, are Mooses Meese?

2 Moose on the Loose logo Mongol Rally Proud to be Canadians! travel

If Gooses are Geese, are Mooses Meese?

Hey all!  Justin and May here! So we've signed ourselves up for a bit of an adventure covering 1/3 of the world's circumference. While we are still sorting out logistics like which crappy car we can find for under £500 and under 1.2L to break down on us, we thought we'd open up the floor to you to help us choose a logo!  Now, mind you, there was much wine involved and these images are VERY rough, but before we finalize it on a computer, we wanted to hear your thoughts on which one you like best! Feel free to...

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