Mongol Rally 2017 — Proud to be Canadians!
Day 22: Hey I just met you And this is crazy But here's my number So call me maybe
2 Moose on the Loose Making friends Mongol Rally Proud to be Canadians! travel Turkey YOLO
Miles: 260ishCountries: TurkeyStops: Istanbul -> Izmit -> no idea where -> Ankara-ishPlaylist: the wind in my hair and also a bunch of Eminem What a day!We woke up from the first peaceful night in a while. We had slept in a paid parking lot with the gates closed in a wonderful little shady corner (and I don't mean shady like sketchy, shady like out of the sun for once). We got up, "bathed", and wandered off exploring Old Istanbul. We figured we'd at least walk around the Grand Bazaar and get the feel for it when it's closed - didn't...
Day 4: Mustang Sally, you better slow that Mustang down
2 Moose on the Loose Car Mongol Rally Proud to be Canadians! steed travel Travel prep
Miles:Countries: UKStops: ColchesterPlaylists: Vocal Trance Hits, Classic rock 60s, 70s, and 80s, Classic Rock Greatest Hits (all Spotify) What a beautiful day! The sun was shining and we actually had sweat coming out of places we didn't know it could. That's reassuring before we head off to the desert. Fun fact: how do you remember which dessert/desert has 1 or 2 S's? Dessert always has 2, because you go back for seconds. #randomconversations I also learned a few new words today, but I'm completely blanking at the moment. Waking up, it was still fairly cloudy, and slightly drizzling so it...
Day 2: This car could be a major piece of machinery This car could be ... syst-o-matic ...hydro-matic... ...ultro-matic... Why, it could be...Greased Light'nin'!
2 Moose on the Loose Car Grease lightening Mongol Rally Proud to be Canadians! steed travel Travel prep

Miles: 100Countries: UKStops: Colchester -> London -> Colchester Playlists: N/AUpon waking up, sick as a dog, we stumbled our way out of bed, got ready, and got a ride to the train. An hour later we arrived in London and were on a mission to get them damn Russian visas. It was interesting to travel without our phones, not using the satellite GPS, and having to rely on the maps on the walls and a compass. Makes you realize just how depended we are on our gadgets nowadays. Just a tease for what's to come, I'm sure! Outside the visa centre we were greeted...
If Gooses are Geese, are Mooses Meese?
2 Moose on the Loose logo Mongol Rally Proud to be Canadians! travel

Hey all! Justin and May here! So we've signed ourselves up for a bit of an adventure covering 1/3 of the world's circumference. While we are still sorting out logistics like which crappy car we can find for under £500 and under 1.2L to break down on us, we thought we'd open up the floor to you to help us choose a logo! Now, mind you, there was much wine involved and these images are VERY rough, but before we finalize it on a computer, we wanted to hear your thoughts on which one you like best! Feel free to...