Mongol Rally 2017 — Travel prep

Day 31: You can't always get what you want

2 Moose on the Loose Mongol Rally Still stranded travel Travel prep YOLO

Day 31: You can't always get what you want

Miles: 23Countries: GeorgiaStops: TbilisiPlaylists: Our first argument :OToday has been quite the up and down day. Keep in mind this post isn't necessarily complaining about everything as just walking you through it all. We started off by hitting up the Turkmenistan embassy to find out they were on vacation...? Disappointed, we went off for breakfast to have the traditional Georgian dish that has been recommended time and time again: it's essentially a boat of bread, stuffed with cheese, baked, and served with a "raw" egg on top and a full spoonful of butter. It's the 3rd Georgian meal we had,...

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Day 27: I whip my hair back and forth

2 Moose on the Loose Car Making friends Mongol Rally RIP travel Travel prep Turkey YOLO

Day 27: I whip my hair back and forth

Miles: 140Countries: TurkeyStops: Konya-ish -> Cappadocia Playlists: Epic Songs (Spotify)We woke up early enough to be happy with our progress and potential start to the day only to somehow lose 2 hours sitting at the gas station restaurant drinking tea and coffee. We packed up the car and felt we had to mourn our last comrade that flew out the window yesterday. We built a cross out of sticks, put on the remaining moose head, and bid our farewells. It was a fun ride of wailing as per usual at the top of our lungs and as off key as...

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Day 7: You can never know the odds; If you don't play you'll never win

2 Moose on the Loose Car Mongol Rally travel Travel prep YOLO

Day 7: You can never know the odds; If you don't play you'll never win

Miles: 135Countries: UKStops: Colchester -> Greys -> Chichester (Goodwood)Playlists: "stoner chill" (Spotify. Only playlist to have actually downloaded offline and more like hardcore rap). This is it. With my heart in my throat, I'm a mix of excitement and nervousness. Meanwhile, Justin is as cool as a pickle, or however the saying goes. But here we go! We woke up and wasted no time in organizing everything and starting to pack. After we got everything in the car, it hung pretty low (or however that goes). We ended up returning our 2x 5L buckets of windshield washer fluid and 5L...

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Day 6: So long, and thanks for all the fish

2 Moose on the Loose Car Mongol Rally steed Travel prep

Day 6: So long, and thanks for all the fish

Miles: 15Countries: UKStops: ColchesterPlaylists: N/A Today was the second day in a row without any rain - a rather pleasant surprise - so we rolled out of bed and got cracking. We started by doing a trial run of setting up our tent, then hosed it down to make sure it was nice and waterproof. It turns out that it's much bigger than we thought, but overall it's a solid piece of kit and I'm sure it will serve us well. After getting some caffeine into us, we headed back to the scrapyard with a boot full of alloys to trade for some spare...

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Day 5: It's been a hard day's night

2 Moose on the Loose Car Mongol Rally steed travel Travel prep

Day 5: It's been a hard day's night

Miles: 15Countries: UKStops: ColchesterPlaylists: Summer Party (Spotify)Another beautiful day and not a drop of rain! For the sake of being repetitive, we continued to work away on the car - Justin started out by making a platform for the bed and bought a mattress, while I  continued to spray paint and did my moose and our names on the window (per Justin's request, of course so he can feel somewhat badass and like we're in a real race)... Afterwards we ran more errands and picked up some more essentials, like a car kettle (that's right, coffee and tea forever on the go!),...

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